Augie Hill

You're looking at it! This site was made very quickly when I no longer wanted to do business as 8/28 Productions, a company name I registered in Texas when I was 17 to take money for Ice Partner Search.

I really wanted a public-facing site where I could put all of my official information like my history, information about my background in ice dance, my software portfolio, as well as some general musings I may wish to write publicly.

Under the hood, the web server is Apache Tomcat and the database server is MySQL. I use my Java MySQL Utility to interact with and manage the schema for the database. The clean URLs are thanks to the URL Rewrite Filter. To track the audience, I use Google Analytics.

Though I don't see why anybody would ever want to copy anything from this site, I've placed all the content under a Creative Commons license.

The improvement of this site is on-going, but likely won't take up much of my time.